Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We had a great time at Lake Erie for Thanksgiving. The weather was
great through Thursday but very cold for golf on Friday, the boys came
back after 9 holes! Got in a nice walk at Old Women's Creek but not
too many birds. Could be the crazy laughter from a little person who
loves to run:) Meanwhile, the oldest looks all grown-up with John.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Christmas and more

Happy New Year and all that! Christmas was a little different this
year as we went to grandma's and celebrated a little early. It was a
nice change and spread the festivities out over a week or so. Lillian
turned 8 in November and Margaret 4 in January. Grandma is coming up
on her 85th in March so I think we will have something to plan for
that big one! The girls are doing great in school, this being
Margaret's first year of preschool. Lillian continues to do well and
seems to like it for the most part. They both are very tired by Fridays!

Our big news, other than Liz's job and we really don't want to talk
about that, is our new little house at Lake Erie. It really has given
us something fun to do and dream about. We have managed two weekends
up there since we closed on it in December. One, Joe was by himself
and the other just this past weekend. We really have gotten alot done.
Joe has had the fun job of tearing out all the termite eaten wood(big
job, LOTS of damage) and the old insulation. YUCK! We aren't sure how
much damage the termites have done on the second floor, we haven't
gotten that far yet. The first floor is all concrete walls, very
interesting! Our plans to knock out the kitchen wall and widen the
kitchen are now on hold until we see which of the walls are supporting
ones. I tackled the ivy, poison and English, on the fireplace. I
managed to come away without too much damage. Hopefully, that
nasty creature will be dead by the time we are back up there in March!
The trunk was a good 2.5 to 3.0 inches thick at the main root, with 3
or 4, 1.0 inches of smaller roots lining the fireplace. The weather
was amazingly warm for Feb so it was a treat to be outside and air the
house out as well. We're hoping to have the house redone in three
years but anyone who has ever gutted a house knows, it will probably
take longer because of unforeseen issues. Or kids, they do take-up
some of any free time you might have...LOL! Here are some pics.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

School days

Forgot to add the school pics to the last blog so here they are, my


Well, it's been a long time since I updated the blog! Both girls went
to school, Lillian yesterday, and Margaret for the first time today.
These first days of school hit me pretty hard, I just don't want them
to ever be scared. Alot has happened since the last post, too much to
talk about, so I'll just post pictures and you'll get a good idea of
what we have been doing the last several months.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Yes, I know I'm way behind but that's the holidays and the weather for
you. We had a wonderful Christmas this year! Both girls were very
excited, Margaret mostly because Lillian was so excited. They really
both enjoyed the tree trimming, pulling out all of those old ornaments
and listening to the stories that went along with them. My family came
down and spent Christmas Eve and Day with us and we went to the big
Brennan party later Christmas Day. Very busy couple of days! Lillian
went ice skating with her aunts and cousins(thanks Rosemarie), Joe and
I both don't ice skate for different reasons. Me, because being cold
and wet isn't my idea of fun (I'm not very athletic) and Joe, because
we don't need to fix that hip replacement this soon. Getting older,
isn't it just great:( But Joe will take them skiing when they get old
enough so they will have plenty of opportunity to be cold and wet!

Lillian is doing very well in first grade according to her grades. You
wouldn't know it to ask her though, she says they don't do anything
all day, when asked:) Margaret is ready to go except for that tiny
thing called potty training. She doesn't seem interested in separating
from her diaper, even when going to school with Illy is part of the
deal! Well, we have all summer to get her into big girl panties before
school starts in the Fall. I think we're going to need it!!

We are in the research stage of raising chickens for eggs, I'll get
back to you on what we decide. We heard about it on NPR, it looks like
there's alot of suburban people having fun with it.

Let's hope for an early and long Spring, I'm ready for some nice 60F

Monday, November 1, 2010


We had a great time trick or treating last night. Lillian had a bit of
a hard time, her sister kept getting all of the attention! It was a
little hard on the oldest that she wasn't 'the cutest' anymore:) I had
to reassure her that she was past cute and into beautiful! Wow, this
stuff starts earlier and earlier.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The new school year has gotten off to a good start. Lillian has
homework for the first time and mom for the first time, in a long
time! They give her assignments a month in advance and that works well
with our work schedules, soccer, and the other after school
activities. Lillian had her first 'camping' experience with Brownies
last weekend. Dad was out of town, golfing with friends and Lillian
was suppose to spend Fri and Sat nights at a camp without plumbing,
bathrooms and on wood beds. Well, Joe and I thought that was a little
to early for that experience so I drove there early Sat morning and
picked her up Sat night. Margaret and I were invited to stay as well
any other families but we declined. Spending the weekend in those
conditions with a 21/2yr old who has night terrors wasn't my idea of a
good time! Besides, how old were you when you stayed away at camp? I
think I was at least in third grade and it had plumbing and bathrooms!
She had a great time and sang all the way home with another little
girl whose mom wasn't letting her stay, either.

Margaret is doing very well, talking more and more everyday. We can
understand more and more everyday, I should say. She's been talking
since we got her, just not always sure which language:) We had our one
year visit that China requires from our social worker. She noticed a
definite difference in all of us, we are much more relaxed. I think
our little family has settled down really well, it feels great! Can
you believe it's been almost a year since we came home with her?!
Margaret is really a hoot and cracks us up with her acrobatic antics.
You'll never know where she is climbing, hanging, opening doors,
undoing buckles, or standing(she creeps up on us all the time). Then
just laughs when you see her, it's a big game to her. Yes, I've aged

Work is work, not too much change. Joe will be working from home some
of the time, they are still working that out. The next four months
will be really busy with all the holidays and three of four birthdays.
It should be fun but crazy!